Painting a Dog a Day's In Memoriam Site

"In Memoriam" is a place where members of the Painting a Dog a Day community can join hands and share experiences.

When I lost TurtleDove and Miah, both my studio muses, mere months apart from each other, I was overwhelmed with the support and love Painting a Dog a Day readers showered upon me.  Sharing my loss with the community that had sprung up as a result of my daily pet portrait project was surprisingly healing.

Hence this blog, which in a serendipitous way marks the one year anniversary of Miah's death. "In Memoriam" is my gift to those of you who shared tears and stories of your own losses as I came to terms with my own. 

It is also a gift to those of you who will follow along in the coming days, weeks, or years with bereavement stories of your own.

So let's celebrate the beauty of the furry little lives we are blessed with for too short a time. Let them live on here, while they continue to dance in our hearts.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Ollie's Paw Prints

The paw prints on the floor, in the car and on the sidewalk are the tangible reminders of the tracks you left. Long after those paw prints are washed away, the paw prints on my heart will be the reminders of the life you lived, the love you gave and memories we made. Those paw prints have become part of my face, my smile, my twinkle and yes my tears. Those paw prints on my heart make me better for having been a part of your life, we were each other's protectors and loves. When I can't stand the pain I'll put my hand over my heart and feel your paw prints, forever right where you always were and always will be... in my heart. I love you Ollie Boy.

D. Sawyer

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